
Business-Friendly Apps for the iPhone


Business-Friendly Apps for the iPhone

The iPhone is a phone that is so versatile which makes it a great phone for a business user.  With the ability to access thousands of apps, you can bring your work on the go.  Tech Republic recently posted an article discussing various iPhone apps, and how useful they can be.

According to Tech Republic, “The iOS calendar app has its limitations, especially for the highly mobile business owner, who would be better served by one of the growing list of iOS calendars appearing in the App Store.

Sunrise Calendar, a free and graphically pleasing iPhone calendar app, lets you pull in information from Google Calendar, Facebook, LinkedIn, and FourSquare to add more details to your meeting information. It gives you granular controls over calendar notifications. These calendar notifications have a nice yet distinctive tone on my iPhone 5.”

Source: Will Kelly, Tech Republic. (August 5, 2013). “Apps for the SMB owner’s iPhone”.