Upgrading your Equipment
Upgrading your Equipment
As mentioned in several blog posts, it has come time for many businesses to begin to evaluate their equipment and decide on whether or not to upgrade to newer equipment. Windows XP will no longer be supported by Microsoft beginning Spring 2014. This raises many problems and opens the doors to possible security problems.
According to InfoWorld, “The impact of even a few Windows XP systems within an enterprise after the April 8, 2014 EOS date presents such a substantial vulnerability and security risk that it’s hard to justify delaying the migration to Windows 7 or Windows 8. With a wholly new set of threats that Windows XP cannot be fully protected from, and the resulting potential for substantial corporate liability, it’s time to get the migration process moving at top speed to meet the deadline.”
If you are looking to upgrade the equipment in your office, contact Marcus Networking at 602.427.5027.
Source: InfoWorld. (August 2013). “Windows XP- A Compliance and Risk Nightmare in April 2014”.