
Handy Apps for Small Businesses


Handy Apps for Small Businesses

As mentioned before, it is a huge convenience to have all of your contacts and statistics from your business in the palm of you hand.  Apps are constantly being created and updated, making the smartphone an invaluable piece of hardware.  Although the iPhone comes with a standard calendar app, there are other applications that are available to be downloaded, which gives you a variety to choose from, best suiting your business.

According to Tech Republic, “Another free calendar app, Tempo Smart Calendar, also steps ups the calendar game on the iPhone. It requires you to sign up for a free account, and when you login to the app for the first time, it cycles through the calendars and contacts on your iPhone to “enhance” them. Optionally, you can link to your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts to bring in more details about the other attendees at your meetings and events.”

These apps are constantly evolving and are easy to use.

Source: Will Kelly, Tech Republic. (August 1, 2013). “Apps for the SMB owner’s iPhone”.