
Microsoft Office 2013


Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2013 focuses on being efficient.  Having the ability to tie all of your Office features together using a Microsoft account makes for much easier retrieval and saving of documents.  It also allows you to blend features of your account in with programs in Office.

According to Tech Republic, “I like that Office 2013 can be connected to a Microsoft account. Doing so allows Office to take advantage of resources that are tied to that account. For example, if you have a photo associated with your profile, Office 2013 will use it. Whenever you comment on a document, your profile photo is added to the comment, making it perfectly clear who made the comment. More important, connecting Office to a Microsoft account makes it possible to seamlessly save documents to and open documents from SkyDrive.”

If you have any questions about Microsoft Office or upgrading to new Office software, contact Marcus Networking at 602.427.5027.

Source: Brien Posey, Tech Republic. (June 3, 2013). “My 10 favorite things about Office 2013).