
Testing your Backups


Testing your Backups

If you are interested in scheduling your own backups in the event that something were to occur that effects the original documents, it is a good idea to test the backups to ensure that they are functioning properly.  If something were to occur that effected your machines, network or documents and your backups were not stored properly, not only would this cause additional headaches, but it will delay the process of restoring everything to what it was beforehand.

According to ETech7, “Testing the server online backup system will show you where the weaknesses are so you can correct them. It will also allow you to determine what works particularly well, and thus what you should use more often. If nothing else, running the occasional backup drill will get your employees used to recovering data if something happens. Then when something actual happens, the entire recovery process will be as simple and orderly as a fire drill.”

If you have any questions about backing up your data or are looking for someone to monitor your data or network, contact Marcus Networking at 602.427.5027.

Source: Ribi Khaimov, ETech7. (December 25, 2012). “The 12 Most Important Steps to Take for IT Disaster Recovery Planning”.