
The Importance of a Website


The Importance of a Website

When establishing a business it is important to make a presence and let everybody know that your company is there.  One way to do this is to make a website.  This is a great place to start, it gives you a place to post as much information about your company as possible.

Tech Republic recently posted an article discussing different things a business should take time and do.  One of these is creating a website.  “If you don’t already have a Web site to showcase your business, you need one. And do not do the standard, from-template site that won’t get your noticed. As well, don’t rely on a Facebook page for your business. (I actually came across this recently.) You need to take your online presence seriously. If that online presence includes ecommerce, you really need to buckle down and invest in a solid solution.  Remember, your bottom line is directly affected by your presence online. If you shortchange that presence, you shortchange your business.”

If you have any questions, or are looking to implement a new website or network for your business, contact Marcus Networking at 602.427.5027

Source: Jack Wallen, Tech Republic. (July 2, 2013). “10 purchases SMBs really need to make”.